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Thomas Hasty, Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Regulatory & Risk Management Officer, TowneBank to serve as 2022 Heart and Stroke Ball Chair

Hampton Roads, VA (December 3, 2021) — The American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for all, names Thomas Hasty, as the 2022 Chair of the Heart of Hampton Roads, Heart and Stroke Ball.

Thomas Hasty, SEVP and Chief Regulatory Risk Officer for TowneBank serves as the first, African American Chair for the Heart and Stroke Ball campaign in the Hampton Roads market. This year, the Heart and Stroke Ball campaign focuses on Health Equity and Prevention & Education in communities of color. Hasty plans to go “beyond the ballroom” for the execution of the campaign by working closely with HBCUs and churches to make a greater community impact. As a result of his powerful push for a successful start, Hasty was featured in the first ever Chair Summit hosted by the National American Heart Association; an opportunity for chairs nationwide, to express strategies, and successes while raising critical funds for lifesaving science and community impact.

As chair of the Heart and Stroke Ball events, he will serve as a trusted voice to the community, recruit and retain colleagues who are aligned with the mission and create action-oriented asks when improving employee health and facilitating community transformation; this includes encouraging local changemakers to become Leaders for Life, a team of individuals committed to taking a stand to give all Americans a healthier life.  With health equity at the nucleus of the campaign, he will address eliminating barriers to include social determinants of health, structural racism, and threats to rural health.

“I’m truly honored, to Chair the 2022 Hampton Roads Heart and Stroke Ball. To be the first African American Chair in Hampton Roads is a distinction that I do not take lightly, but I hope to be the catalyst to encourage others to be more involved. Our primary impact focus is prevention, education, and health equity in communities of color, and I know that with the support of my colleagues and the American Heart Association staff, we will lead with mission and as a result have a record-breaking, successful campaign while raising lifesaving funds”, Hasty expressed. Throughout his career, Hasty has built meaningful relationships in Hampton Roads, and previously served on the Heart and Stroke Ball Executive Leadership Team, with the AHA to increase the education of preventative measures against cardiovascular disease and stroke in his community.

The Heart of Hampton Roads, Heart and Stroke Ball locally sponsored by TowneBank will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Participants can expect an evening filled with impact and led by mission.

With a mission to be relationship- and friendship- driven local bank, focused on basic human values, that promotes the social, cultural, and economic well-being of our community, TowneBank echoes the sentiments of the American Heart Association by way of continued support. They have chosen to continue making an investment in the community by participating as the Presenting Sponsor for the American Heart Association Heart of Hampton Roads, Heart and Stroke Ball.

For more information on registration and frequently asked questions in regard to the Heart and Stroke Ball, visit or email Steven Schwamman at [email protected]. Connect with the American Heart Association Hampton Roads on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for live updates @americanheartva and


About the American Heart Association
The American Heart Association is a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. We are dedicated to ensuring equitable health in all communities. Through collaboration with numerous organizations, and powered by millions of volunteers, we fund innovative research, advocate for the public’s health and share lifesaving resources.   

For Media Inquiries:
Jaylyn Brown, Communications Director
[email protected] or (443) 866-7733 and