Membership Registration


Become a member of one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the country.

Helps fulfill mission to enable African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, equity, power, and civil rights.

Close racial wealth gap for Black and minority population.

Empower African Americans to build and sustain wealth through workforce development, entrepreneurship, education, housing and health services, voting rights and social justice.

Help people from all walks of life and communities with urgency, expertise and compassion.

Your donation is vital to our work and will help to ensure that our services remain FREE OF CHARGE.

Automatic membership to Urban League of Hampton Roads Young Professionals and Guild.

Support and participate in ULHR events and programs.

100% of your donation support ULHR programs and services.

Reinforces African Proverb – Ubuntu – I Am Because We Are.
Historically, African Americans and underserved urban communities have fought to overcome policies of discrimination, economic and social injustices. Since 1910, the National Urban League has been a force for progress and empowerment. As one of 90 affiliates across the country, the Urban League collectively delivers services and programs to nearly two million individuals in 300 communities each year.
Although we have made progress, vast disparities remain around income, employment and education opportunities, quality housing, and basic healthcare. These disparities create a socioeconomic divide that we believe can change through empowering communities.